This includes the attached invitation to Cypresswood’s Independence Day Celeration, mentioned in the previous post regarding the Pool/Tennis membership offered to Cypresswood Place’s ow
Author: Jane Warren
Nomination Committee
At the next Homeowners Meeting in May, there are two board positions up for election. The Board has formed a Nomination Committee consisting of Jane Warren, Christine Nicholas, and Mireya Castano.
October 21st Board Meeting + 2 Special Community Guests
At our Tuesday, October 21st Board Meeting, there will be 2 guest speakers attending. They are David Riddle, Assistant Director of Community Outreach, Community Assistance Department representing C
Lawn Mowing Update
We have been in communication with our mowing service, and they are currently planning to be here on Monday, September 22nd to attempt a mowing, weather permitting. Right now the ground is so wet t